
States #5

WA, AK, ND -date entered -blue/red -region of country Taylor

Battles of the Civil War

Bull Run, Vicksburg, Antietam, Gettysburg, Fredericksburg, Shiloh, Gloriette Pass, Monitor and the Merrimack, Battle of Ox Hill, Battle of Belmont Presentation requirements:                                                                                                                                                   -PowerPoint/Prezi/Google Slides, infograph (please choose a format that can be viewed in class)                         -minimum 15 slides                                                                                                                                                                   -general information, date, time of day, weather, location -if available, an original document. A letter home from a soldier, orders, official documents.                                   -what commanders were involved?                                                                                                                                       -what were

States #4

OR/ID/MT -date entered union -red/blue - 1 fact Taylor

States #3

TN, KY, MO -when entered Union, red/blue, interesting facts Larry

Bill of Rights Project

Bill of Rights Project -format: presentation ( PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Docs) -10 slides minimum -1 amendment per slide -List the amendment in its original wording. (textbook, internet) -Paraphrase the amendment in your OWN words - add an image or graphic that represents this amendment. 100 pts available. due Monday 9/9/19 Taylor

States #2

MA, LA, CA in your notes, in the section for "states" enter the following for each state; -when was state admitted to the union? -is it a "red" or "blue" state? -what section of the country is the state in? -1 interesting fact about this state. Taylor