Syllabus 2019-20

U.S. History Fall/Spring 2019-2020
11th Grade, Mr. Taylor
Course Syllabus

Each student will be required to have a notebook, spiral or 3-ring which will be graded. Each student will be assigned a textbook: United States History: The Twentieth Century. (Pearson) which must be returned at the end of the year. Course: This course is a state requirement for graduation. We will be covering the history of this country from the Columbian Exchange thru Trumpism. It is vital that our students understand how and why we have arrived at our current position on a global stage. Students will have a deeper understanding of the politics, sectionalism, and social divides we have and will continue to experience in this country. At the end of the course all students will be required to answer the following question; How has the U.S. achieved the success and stature we enjoy in the 21st Century. Explain the 3 most important events, people, or actions in your opinion that has made this possible. I intend to challenge these students to think outside of their comfort zones and try to understand the causes and effects of U.S. history.
Students and Parents will be able to access assignments and class announcements on Schoology as well as our class blog:
Final grades will be assessed based on a point total at the conclusion of the course.
Class work/homework, assessments, participation, group/individual projects/presentations,
Grading Scale : A=100-90% , B= 89-80%, C=79-70%, D=69-65%,64% and below=Fail
Classroom Rules:
No throwing ANYTHING in the classroom
No talking during instruction (unless instructed or during class discussion)
No eating in class (a bottle of water is acceptable)
No cell phone use in the classroom unless instructed (See cell phone policy- attached)
AMA lanyards and valid ID are to be worn at ALL times while on campus.
Strict adherence to AMA and LAUSD dress code
Cheating and/or plagiarism are strictly prohibited. (see academic Integrity Policy-attached) Consequences;
The first offense the student will receive a warning.
The second offense will result in classroom detention with teacher immediately after school
The next and any subsequent offenses will result in a call home as well as a meeting with the Principal.
I can be reached for parent meetings through the main AMA office at 310-847-1460, or at


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